Building Templates

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Performance Development Review (PDR)

Performance reviews come in all shapes and sizes, they differ in frequency and can be delivered by a host of different people from the business owner through to a team leader. Loop HR can accommodate all these variables. In this article we’re going to walk through setting up your PDR templates.


Create multiple templates to cover a host of performance reviews, from different job roles to a short questionnaire for a quick review, or a formal annual review and anything in-between!

You can edit the Master Template or create a second template from the master. Create multiple templates from the master or from any other template. Or create templates completely from scratch by clicking the blue circle with the Plus symbol next to the Template Dropdown list.

From your navigation, go to Team > 1) PDR. 2) Templates.

You will be greeted by a welcome popup, once acknowledged, you will see the master template. To the right of the screen beneath the drop-down menu and Plus symbol, you will see 3 navigation tools (a fourth ‘Delete’ icon will show once you have more than one PDR template):

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Preview Template: allows you to see what the employee will see when you start the PDR process.

Settings: select which Team (or Teams) this template is for. If you do not have multiple teams, then you will not have this function enabled.

Copy Template: use this to easily copy and create a new PDR template, once copied, simply rename and edit the new template.

3) Access this Knowledge Base article from within Templates for quick guidance on setting up your templates.
4) Once you are ready to edit your template, click on the Pencil to edit each section, or click on the trash bin to delete a section.

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5) In edit mode you can change the Title and the Description.
6) Choose the section type, Text Area (as in example) or a File upload (to share a document).
7) Select who should complete the section (the manager section would be to give context for the employee to respond later in the review process).
8) Save this section of your review template.

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9) Click Preview Mode to see how the section will look to the employee.
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Continue editing the questions /delete or add new segments. Save and Close.

10) To add a new segment/question, simply scroll down to click the Plus symbol in the blue circle (at the bottom of the questionnaire list).
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11) If you wish to give feedback after the employee has completed their part of the review form, toggle on for Yes to give feedback and off for No feedback.
12) And finally, after the Managers feedback, would you like to offer the employee the opportunity to leave final feedback? If so, leave this toggled On. Otherwise toggle it Off.

NB: These settings can be edited on an individual performance review basis if required (change questions, add / remove sections) this will not alter any of the Templates only the employee review you are working on.