Continual Professional Development

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Training and staff development are an essential part of business growth. They help engage your staff, and ensure your team use the latest techniques and provide the best services to your clients.

CPD can include all types of training and development, technical, practical and soft skills training, any of which can involve a significant investment for the company.

To help you make the most of each CPD opportunity, Loop HR assists you plan, track and record all activity from an administration perspective. And helps keep for your employees engaged in the CPD process.


On a practical point, Loop HR includes a template training agreement. We recommend that you read the agreement to be sure it reflects your company values.

You can of course review, edit and or replace the agreement at any time.

If you do not wish to use the agreement simply delete the text.

1. Find the training agreement

To access the training agreement, from the navigation panel select CPD

2. Select Agreement tab

Click the Agreement’ tab

3. To edit agreement

Read, edit and or replace the template agreement and save your changes.

Once happy with your training agreement (and you have saved it) it will show in each training opportunity you send. The same agreement is used when employees submit their own CPD/Training request. If you amend the training agreement, it will only affect future CPD events not completed events.

Summary of how the CPD process works within Loop HR:

Sends a CPD/Training opportunityReceives an alert to view a CPD/Training opportunity
Accepts or declines the opportunity
Alerted of employee action.

If accepted:  update any travel and accommodation details, upload tickets etc.

The employee receives notification of CPD opportunity, travel and accommodation details and can access the documents via Loop HR
Employee completes their CPD/Training event. After which they can upload any feedback and or certificates to Loop HR
A record will now show under Training HistoryA record of all individual CPD activity is stored under Completed Training
CPD/Training events are added automatically to the employee Schedule



If the employee sends the CPD Request it is the same process from the point you approve it and arrange the booking.

4. Starting a new CPD/training opportunity for employee

To send a team member a CPD/Training opportunity, go to CPD via the navigation panel.

5. Sending an opportunity to employee

Select ‘Send a training opportunity’


  1. example 5a shows a training Opportunity to send
  2. 5b & 5c show a training request from an employee perspective
  3. 5c whether it is an opportunity or request the fields are the same and click submit


As in 5a, once the CPD opportunity has been sent to the employee, they will receive a notification of the opportunity. They must:

  • then login to their Loop HR profile
  • go to CPD
  • and review the training offer.

At this point they can accept or decline the offer.

Process for accepted offer

If the offer is accepted then:

  1. For the employee: within their profile, the CPD Opportunity will change to Upcoming Training – with the status of Awaiting Booking.
  2. For the manager: they receive an email confirming employee accepts the CPD opportunity so they now should book the training. Once booked, click Confirm Booked’.
  3. For the manager: this opportunity then moves to the Upcoming training.

  1. If there are training or accommodation costs and/or details these can now be added to the employee active CPD event. The Employee will be alerted of the details.



Training records are kept within Loop HR for all active employees and for terminated employees. Within line with GDPR regulations, records are automatically removed from Loop HR files 6 years from the Employee termination date.

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