Performance Reviews

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Performance Development Review (PDR)

Now that you have set up your performance review template, you can start managing your employee reviews.


Under PDR Reviews you will see a list of your employees. They will show in various states of progress, from unscheduled to draft, upcoming, overdue or in progress.

To see previous reviews, click on the employee’s name and select History.

  1. From your navigation, go to Team > PDR. Here you will see a list of your employees, showing in various states of progress.
  2. From an unscheduled state, click on the calendar icon and select the type of review you want, Remote or In-person > select the date of the review.
  3. Click to prepare the review – see point 6 below for prep details.
  4. From the calendar icon rescheduled overdue (or any of the) reviews.
  5. Continue with the review. Snag f1c4d2
    Click on the row of the employees’ review you wish to prepare:
  6. If required, you can edit the template for this individual (this will not edit the main template). If you have at least one other template to choose from, you can switch templates at this step.
  7. Sections designated as 'Manager' in the template must be filled out by the manager/admin before beginning the review process. The information entered in these sections will be made visible to the employee during their self-assessment (not in the prep/draft stage).
  8. Select the review type, in person or remote.
  9. Reschedule or cancel the review.
  10. Start the review, this will trigger the invitation to the employee to begin their review process.

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Once the employee completes their part of the review, Admins and those with PDR management permissions for said employee, will receive an email alert. The review flow will depend on the stages you include, here demonstrates that you can close the review at point 3 or step 4 and even step 5.

PDR data flow

In Person Review
You will be asked to select a date and time of the review. You can choose to request the employee complete their self-assessment ahead of the meeting and use it as part of your review or, you can fill in the form yourself in the meeting. Either way after the meeting you can choose to send feedback/summary to the employee or close the review.

Remote Review
In a remote review, the employee must fill out the self-assessment, they complete it and you will review their assessment and give feedback. In both review options, there is the option to request the employee to give any final feedback (typically responding to their managers feedback after a remote meeting). All settings are customisable both at Template level and on an individual basis.